The Dental Spa

We devote our lives, long or short, to giving you healthy, lasting smiles.

Consultation (Oral Examination and Diagnosis)

A consultation is basically an evaluation of the current condition of your teeth and is recommended to have one every 6 months. This will be an inspection of the head, neck an intraoral evaluation of the hard and soft tissues. This will examination will be used to identify oral health problems early when they are easier to treat….read more

Dental Implantology

Dental Implants play an essential role in restorative dentistry and allows replacement of teeth to feel, look and work naturally. You are assured of receiving the highest standard of treatment as we work towards healthy and lifetime smiles…read more

Oral Surgery

Oral surgery is a broad term for any operation performed on your teeth, gums, jaw or surrounding oral and facial structures. It includes a wide range of procedures, including teeth extractions, dental bone grafts, periodontal (gum) grafts and corrective jaw surgery……read more

Root canal treatment (endodontics)

This is a dental procedure that involves the removal of the soft center, the pulp. Pulp is made of nerves, connective tissue and blood vessels that help the tooth grow. The treatment involves removal of the infected pulp, cleaning and sealing the inside of the tooth with a special sealing material… more

Orthodontic treatment (braces)

This is a treatment that is aimed at straightening teeth to improve the appearance of the teeth. Braces and Invisalign are dental tools that help correct your teeth such as crowding, crooked teeth or teeth that are out of alignment….read more

Orthodontic treatment (Invisalign)

Invisalign – the world’s most advanced clear aligner system. Made to move you forward.
The treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. ….read more

Tooth Whitening

Also referred as tooth bleaching is the process of lightening the color of human teeth. Whitening os often desirable when teeth become yellowed over time for a number of reasons, and can be achieved by changing the intrinsic or extrinsic color of the tooth enamel….read more

Tooth replacement (dentures and bridges)

A dental bridge is a good option to replace missing teeth. It is a more permanent solution, and you don’t have to worry about them falling or slipping out and are easy to clean and maintain.
A denture is a flexible option as they are removable plates with artificial teeth placed over the gums to replace the missing teeth……read more

Paediatric Dentistry

This a focus on children’s teeth from birth to adolescence. It is vital that children have their teeth checked regularly for evidence of tooth decay. We can add that regular visits are also for checking on the dental growth and development to prevent or intercept future problems. We are trained to be friendly, fun and create a social and welcoming atmosphere for children….read more

Tooth restorations (Dental fillings “Refilling”)

A dental filling is used to treat a cavity in a tooth and the area is filled with a replacement material to protect against further damage and to restore the tooth appearance and function… more

Gum treatment and tooth cleaning (Periodontal maintenance)

Dental cleaning is part of dental preventive care and an important way of maintain your oral health. During a routine cleaning, your dentist removes the build-up plaque, tartar or calculus on your teeth. We encourage you to brush and floss your teeth at home as a good practice to remove dental plaque… more

Client Testimonials

We devote our lives, long or short, to giving you healthy, lasting smiles


Why Dental Spa

We believe that having a healthy smile makes life better. We also witness many people living lives that aren’t their greatest because of suffering or because they’ve been terrified to smile for so long. In our office, we encounter patients who are reluctant or ashamed to smile frequently. We frequently see patients who have never felt confident in their smiles or loved how their teeth looked. We want you to understand that life is better when you can smile with assurance, eat without discomfort, and have a healthy mouth. If your smile is preventing you from living the life you desire, if you’ve avoided going to the dentist due to worry, or if you’re simply seeking for the ideal dental home for yourself and your family, you’ve come to the right spot

Monday to Friday 8.00 am- 6.00pm
Saturday 8.00 am- 4.00pm
Sunday Closed